True CPA Give this a read.

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发表于 2011-8-4 22:01:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jxau00001 于 2011-12-20 23:34 编辑

The Basics -

OK so I know that a lot of people will not know exactly how the
CPA/CPL system works, so we are going to go through the whole
process and explain the basics before we get onto how to make

CPL – Cost Per Lead

CPA – Cost Per Acquisition

These are effectively the same thing. There are certain networks
that have been set up and have been some what in the background
with all the fuss that is made over Adsense and tradition affiliate

The fact of the matter is – providing leads is easier than selling
products – it is far, far more profitable than having people click
links for pennies – and generally speaking it can be used with the
vast majority of websites.

Having tested most of the CPA networks, and there are quite a few,
there is one that really is number 1 in terms of customer service,
volume, and payout on offers.

That is why I asked you to signup to Azoogle. I personally know
that this company took in just under $200 million in sales last year
from lead generation and also that there are individual affiliates
making $2 million per month with these type of offers.
So they are not Micky Mouse.

Getting accepted - which depending on the day you apply and how
many applications there are that day – can take anywhere between
6 hours and 48 hours.

Of course, you can get accepted immediately if you give them a call
and go through the signup process with them in real time.
You will need then to search the offers section for something you
think you would like to promote. The best ones for the methods I
am going to discuss in this report are those with one page payout
forms and high CPA's.

What this means is – you send a prospect to a page that will be
much like a simple lead capture page. They may have to fill in
name, address, email, zip code etc. Or you can decide to promote
and offer that will be just an email submit, although these do not
payout as well.

Once you have found a offer that you think you want to promote,
just click through to the offer – choose the type of traffic you are
going to be using to promote – and then get the link that you will
be needing. This is exactly like and kind of Clickbank link and will
track all of you're clicks and impressions, as well as you're

This is also the key to Azoogle's excellent reporting system.
You then need to get that link out onto the web, and every time
someone fills out that form you get paid.
Word of warning though – don't try to go to the link and repeatedly
fill in the form yourself. This works the same way as clicking your
own links with Adsense. Except it is far more damning. If someone
signs up for the same offer twice, from the same IP – it is obvious
something is up. If someone signs up 10 times – you'd better have
a damn good explanation or else you are gone.
So now you know what it is, let me show you how to make money
with it.

Providing guaranteed sign-ups -

Some people may find issue with what I am about to reveal as a
great way to make money on-line. That's fine, as this is by no
means a necessity as part of this course. It is however, simple and
very effective and will make you money when done properly.
This is the simplest and by far most risk free way of making money
with the CPA model. As you will already have your offer chosen and
ready to promote then the simple fact is you need people to go and
sign-up through your link.

Well, people question the value of guaranteed sign-ups, but these
people do provide leads and we can use that.
The best bet here is to log into your chosen CPA network and find
an offer that has a high paying one page conversion. To make is
successful you should:

● Offer of over $5.00 CPM
● One page webform completion for payout
● Try to avoid overly competitive niches.

The third one is important with regards to how fast you will see
your sign-ups arriving as cash in the bank.

For example, in the CPA networks you will find a lot of people who
will offer pretty good money to get people to sign-up to their dating
websites. Unless you have some contacts or are pretty big in the
dating niche yourself, I would strongly advise against promoting
these kinds of offers with the guaranteed sign-ups method. It will
take months to make any real money otherwise.

So, lets assume you have found a good offer and you have a good
niche and you are ready to start sending your sign-ups through.
We need to now find a provider that can send us the kind of volume
we are talking about.

Now, of course as far as guaranteed sign-ups go, there are
hundreds of providers and a simple search of Google will reveal
where you can get started.

Most offers on the CPA networks will be US leads only, which
means your sign-ups will cost a little extra but there is plenty of
room for profit. For example, most providers will give you a price of
between $0.50 and $1.50 per US sign-up. As you will by now have
seen there are many offers that will fit the requirements of the
sign-ups companies and payout anywhere between $3 - $20
depending on what it is.

I will give you an example of a campaign I ran very successfully
with this method.

I found a one page offer in the tax niche that paid out $16.50 for
just completing the sign-up page. This was because tax season was
coming around and they were looking for leads.

Well, I got my affiliate link and ran over to a few providers I know
of and let them get to work on it.

By the end of the month they had provided me with 342 sign-ups
for this one offer. Which, for those of you without a calculator
handy, equated to $5643. From one campaign.

Now, admittedly not all campaigns will go this well. The providers
obviously just managed to get through to the prospects on this
offer and as such created a huge back-end profit for me. But, it is
not unreasonable to expect to see 50 sign-ups a month from each
company. On a good offer that converts at $5.00, and with a
number of orders placed, this can be enough alone to live

But it is easy to see the beauty of this method. All it takes is half an
hour of finding a good offer, then sending out some emails and
placing some orders, and a month later, someone else has done all
of your work and you have turned a 1000% profit on every penny
you invest.

Of course you have to be careful who you buy from, as some of the
sign-ups providers online will provide terrible quality sign-ups,
provide incentives, or do other things that are not what you are
going to want to be associated with, if of course you ever receive
anything for your money.

Also, there is a fact that most people will not know about these
companies. Virtually everyone selling guaranteed sign-ups are
buying them from the same person. That's right, there is one
company that wholesale sells 99% of all the sign-ups on offer.
These are the guys who you will be going with most of the time and
that's OK.

But since you are going to be buying a large number of their
product, I would recommend signing up with them directly. Also,
possibly just sign up as an affiliate and re-sell through yourself as
this will save you a fortune if you plan on using this method

Although, there is another way of getting a massive number of

The thing we need to do is stop of at a host of my favorite sites I
use generally with all parts of the Automatic Wealth System.

● Sitepoint Marketplace
● Digital Point Marketplace
● Elance
● Get-A-Freelancer

Now the one I primarily use is the Sitepoint Marketplace because I
have found that response rate and quality there to be the highest.
But for this particular method you will also be wanting to post at
Elance and GAF. Here is an example of a post you might create:
“Hello GAF providers,
I am looking for someone who can provide me with a large number
of US only leads that have to be sent through my webform using a
specific link.
It is a simple one page process and the offer is free to join.
I offer a payout of $0.50 for every person that you can send
through the link I give you. The link will have a tracking ID and so
you must use exactly the link in order to be paid.
I payout through Paypal only and will only work on the basis that
you can prove you are able to provide leads. I will expect to see at
least 50 leads before you will receive payment. Then when you
have proven yourself, we can negotiate terms.
Please PM me if you are interested.

The example above is just a template obviously, but it has a few
essential elements if you are going to have any success with these
kind of sites.

Firstly, you have to be very clear about what the terms you are
offering are. Most importantly I have mentioned that I am only
offering payment via Paypal and that people interested will not
receive payment until they have given at least a certain number of

This makes scammers think twice before trying to take you're
money. Don't get me wrong they will till try, but you have to stick
to your guns. You will get a PM that will say, usually in broken
English, that they can provide you 5000 leads a week if you pay for
200 in advance.

Don't let the $ signs in your head take away your common sense.
There are people on there that can do these kinds of numbers, but
most can't. So make sure you take precautions and don't pay
anyone anything until your have seen some results.

That about wraps up the section on using guaranteed sign-ups, but
I know that many of you will struggle to overcome you're
reservations about how you have always been told these things are
'crap' and 'useless' and despite me just showing you how they can
make you awesome amounts cash will still not want to use them.
Thats fine, because despite it being the most hands free method we
have at our disposal, it is not at all necessary. So we are going to
move onto other ways of making money with CPA. Namely PPC.

PPC – An offer they can't refuse -

So, much has been written about the uses of PPC and their
effectiveness. I am going to go over some of the basics and talk
about how to gear your PPC ads towards the CPA market.

Of course, the disadvantage this method has over the one above is
there is nothing guaranteed about it, it takes sometime to learn
what works for you, and it takes a lot more work. Just because of
that though, does not mean it cannot be immensely profitable.

Adwords by Google is the most widely used and probably the most
effective in terms of providing top quality targeted traffic. I would
recommend using them in certain niches. But if you are going to try
and promote anything that is make money online, dating, credit
cards etc, using adwords can become extremely expensive.
Recently I have noticed Adwords trying to charge me $5.00 per
click on some of my campaigns and so I instantly swapped to
another provider that I regularly use.

Adbrite is a service that started primarily to provide a brokering
service from people looking to buy and sell text links on their
websites. Since then it has developed and now runs a PPC service
similar to Adwords.

Other than one thing. It doesn't individually price its keywords and
so therefore you can end up spending a lot less money and getting
a lot more traffic. In fact I always get more traffic using their
service and the conversion is not bad.

I am not going to go into detailed PPC techniques as that is not my
place. I am not Mr X and nor am I a DayJobKiller. But if you want
to use the traditional method of driving PayPerClick traffic to your
affiliate link that thats fine and I do do it myself sometimes, but I
have developed another method that I think works far better.

Write a story behind why you are giving away something for free,
or why you should sign up to the offer. Write as if it is your website
and you are speaking to the other person as a friend.
This also means that you do not have to promote 100% free offers,
which is the one thing this technique does have over the
guaranteed sign-ups method.

If you are promoting an offer that takes some sort of payment, be
it credit card details or Tax/XXN from a US citizen, it follows that
the offer will payout a lot more.

So here is a technique I have used with great success. It worked so
well because it gave people the idea they were getting something
for free. The herd loves a bargain.

By that I mean, if you can convince someone that they are getting
something for free, or a great deal, when in reality, all they are
doing is adding $40.00 to your wallet, then you will make a fortune.
I found an offer that provided a free trial for Blockbuster video. The
lead had to pay $9.99 for shipping and could rent as many DVD's
as they wanted for a month, with no other charges for anything.
So what I did was created a little back story as to why I as giving
this great deal away. It went a like this.

How To Get 100% FREE Unlimited
Blockbuster Rental

Hello all,

Recently, I discovered a little secret that I just had to get out in the
open for all of the movie lovers like myself out there.
Within marketing, big companies are making deals everywhere. You
scratch my back - I'll scratch your kind of attitude. This would be,
for example, when one company gives its services to another
company for free, to promote something. It is a common marketing
move, and you can see it everywhere if you look for it.
But the public never gets to actually see these offers. Oh no, they
are far to good to give away without getting something in return.
So, in the spirit of giving, to anyone who feels that they would like
to get the website link where you can sign up for this special deal
that most people will never get the chance to see.
Basically, all you have to do is pay $9 shipping, ONCE, and then
you get completely unlimited movie rental for a whole month.
Shipping, handling, rental - all paid for!
Then, if you think about it, whats to stop you signing up again after
you're free trial is over?
Let me answer that...NOTHING!
If you want to ask me a question the just drop me an email at –

Can you see what I am doing there? I am giving off the impression
that there is something secret being given away. Well, what do I do
with this article?

Well, just create a simple, easy web page using a web page editor
like Nvu or Dreamweaver with nothing but this text on it.
Then, make an PPC ad on Adbrite or Adwords and drive traffic to it.
Most people will click through at least, and you will find that quite a
few will decide to sign up if you have an effective ad to drive them

One thing to mention though – If you were to try and promote
something like this then remember to not over do it. There may be
some copyright violations on your advertising if you are not careful
so remember to always take care.

There is something else you could do with this though.
I take this method one stage further and take an article like the one
above and use OpenOffice to turn it into a PDF file. There is no
need to make it fancy, just put a nice title and describe what you
want them to do with a link.

It should be written like a promotional email really.
Then, find someone with a newsletter in your niche. For example,
with the Blockbusters example, find some people who run
entertainment websites or online DVD shops, and should have a
newsletter service. Offer them a cut of the takings if they are
willing to help out.

I found a number of websites that offer DVD reviews and huge
websites that are movie based. Most of these sites won't overtly
show that they advertise, but if you ask, most will have a member
base or a newsletter that they send out.

What I found to be hugely effective is to upload the PDF to your
webhost, and then give them a link they can download it. If you
have a website, like some of the ones in the movie niche, that has
hundreds of thousands of subscribers, can you imagine the effect?
Anyway, you should have ideas firing in your head all over the
place now. I have given you two great examples, and with the PPC
example above you should be able to think of a huge number of
ways to leverage this technique. Even if you don't want to use the
Guaranteed Signups method, there is no need.
发表于 2012-10-19 14:38:46 | 显示全部楼层
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