While You Do KW Research and See Amazon Or Wiki Site, Easy or Hard To Out Rank?

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发表于 2012-5-18 17:38:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I ask because I'm in the middle of deciding my new domain name for a key phase that I want to rank.......

When you see Amazon or Wiki links with only one or two backlinks, do you think they are easy to outrank?

I read 2 contradict theories:

one said pass.... because they're authority sites and dont ever think to out rank them with the same key phrase.

Another theory says these key phrase is going to be easy to rank as they're there because google has nothing better to show for organic search. They have 1-2 backlinks and they're there meaning the competition is not there. With a little bit of backlinks + on page seo + time.... a few months later, a good domain name (exact match) will 99% outrank them.

Any input from your real life experience?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 17:39:34 | 显示全部楼层
wet willy:

As a general rule I only look at whether there are .gov or .edu in the top ten. I've successfully bumped Amazon, Wiki (try to add your own link pointing back to your page from Wiki,) Yelp, Yellowpages etc, further down the page on many different occasions. You don't say the amount of competing webpages you are up against. In my opinion that would be a much better indicator as to how easy it will be to dominate. If your keyword phrase has over 60,000 competing pages it may require many more backlinks to rank in the top ten.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 17:39:51 | 显示全部楼层

Willy, thanks for your input. That's certainly helpfully piece of information.

I always use tools like Traffic Travis to analyze competition. If there is not a lot of optimization done on competition kw, I'll then check if they have tons of backlinks to the top 10 sites. Not always using the amount of competition sites as a parameter.

Am studying on this link wheel topic for a few days and love to get some input. Been reading posts in BHW link wheel doesn't work so well nowadays since google is shutting down a lot of the web 2.0 page with a bunch of poorly spun content very fast. How true do you find this?

What if we set up a bunch of free sites (WP, blogger, lens, squidoo + another dozens of web.20 sites) with legit content. Legit means, rewrite some content from PLR etc. Post them may be like once a week or once a month just to get them rolling. And link each one of them with one EZA article submission just to get them indexed.

Over the time, we can build a bunch of web 2.0 sites under one "theme" like insurance theme, dog theme, dating theme...and whatever theme we like it. And then send the links juice (properties like WP still send link juice though not a lot of them do ) to each of our new money site in the same theme.

I know Google dislike any linking scheme. But what if we rewrite (most likely I'll outsource it) some semi intelligent content (or make some really good spun content), keep on posting may be once a week/month etc. ..so eventually they'll have some Google trust built up. So, each time we roll out a new money site, just link them to the new site. Preferably in the same theme/niche.

What say you?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 17:40:06 | 显示全部楼层
wet willy:

I'm not a big fan of the link wheels because many web 2.0 properties yield a low quality backlink that (for me personally) seem to take too long to implement. In addition Google hates these kinds of schemes and if they leave behind any kind of footprint can be a red flag. Maybe someone else can weigh in on the whole link-wheel philosophy and give you more pointers about those types of linking techniques.

I think a better plan would be to use a prog like senuke or scrapebox to find high pr pages and rather than bombard the links with junk comments take the extra time to hand craft a relevent tresponse that will have a better chance at sticking. I've successfully used scrapebox to get some great PR 6 -PR 5 and PR 4 links back to some of my pages. After searching you can find some high PR pages that have only a couple outgoing do-follow links. This way a lot of the pr link juice transfers to you

I'm also a big fan of ezinearticles when done correctly. Many of my generic articles based around a keyword phrase have pr 3 and make a pretty decent backlink through your anchor text link. Just keep the articles short around 300 words so your link shows above the fold (top part of page) for best results.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 17:40:23 | 显示全部楼层

Great advice. Didn't know senuke and scrapebox has this feature (finding webpages PR rank). I'll certainly check them out. So, you don't use scrapebox to comment spam? Only go in and leave real comment by hand?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 17:40:49 | 显示全部楼层
Wet Willy:

I use scrapebox to find the high pr pages and sort them out. When I first got scrapebox I blasted my comment spam out to thousands of sites. I used hashtags to create many different varieties but I found that many of the sites are pr 0 and can actually harm your rankings. Not to mention I got banned by askimet pretty quickly.

Now I use scrapebox to quickly generate a list of related high pr blogs, check do-follow status using search status

  1. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/321
or other dofollow checker tool. Then go through one by one and quickly read the content and leave a relevant comment. It takes more time but the high quality linkback makes it well worth it.
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