[lead] My Unique Dating Affiliate Method $100+ A Day Anyone Can Do!

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发表于 2012-5-21 16:04:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hey there MMD members Here is a very nice method I thought of and it is very little work and you will make some nice bank from this. Dont think this is some other dumb dating method cause your wrong!

1. make about 10 gmail accounts (dont need that many tho 1 is fine)

2. go to google images and search for "hot girls" or a keyword to bring up some hot girls. Save the hot girl pics to your pc

3. go to www.babblesex.com and use the gmail account you have made to make girl profile accounts on this chat

4. add your hot girl pics on your profile

5. on your profile page you want to post something in the about me space that links to your offer

6. I use free dating leads for a offer they convert the best

7. after the profile is setup join tons of rooms

8. I have 4 pcs and run about 5 chat accounts on each pc so the more girls the more $$MONEY$$ you make

9. CAN I GET BAN FROM THE CHAT? Yes your accounts can they dont ban by ip so make a new email and setup a new girl

10. I have made $3400 a month already from this useing this method

P.S. More WHORES Running More Pocket My Unique Dating Affiliate Method $100+ A Day Anyone Can Do!

!!MY Unique Method!!
发表于 2012-9-23 10:39:15 | 显示全部楼层
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