2013 Traffic Source 漫谈

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发表于 2014-2-23 10:49:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最近在帖子里面,有几位同学提到了traffic source方面的知识。根据我的一些资料,整理一下,放在这里,基本上来自于STM。TGL讨论这方面的人不多,但还是存在这里,给需要的人。

2013年的traffic source。
仍然是最火热的话题,虽然竞争激烈。但是,它的volume也很大。目前看来,这是最容易开始的、最容易起步的资源。请你有合理的期望值,刚开始的时候小一点、慢一点,再问问你的AM,拿到top offer。还有,将你自己的创意融入你的campaign中去,测试一些其他的。关注traffic 的质量和位置,提升质量。有质量的就有回报。
从哪里开始呢? exoclick.com或者 trafficorcce.com
很难起步,你得需要花费大量的money起步。你需要测试:carriers、handsets、placement、banner sizes、以及landing pages。但是,如果你花时间测试了很多campaigns,你可能找到几个盈利的,然后几个月都可能有回报了。
这是一个很难抓住的traffic source ,缺乏spying ,相比于其他的source来说,很难盈利。从哪里开始呢? inmobi.com  adiquity.com mobfox.com。另外,TGL里面实际上有Yeahmobi的一些学习资料。
4. Special PPC

相比而言,搜索的流量是最大volume的。 但是,如果你不是cloaking的专家,不要玩adwords,直接去bingads或者其他的小的、被忽视的networks,那样你可以一个campaign跑几年,而不是几个月、几周。

Facebook变得越来越难了,Cloaking 并不简单,Facebook不喜欢affilates,但显然volume很大。这些不适合长线作战的affilates。
Media buying是不错,但是对于新手来说不太容易。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-2-23 10:56:37 | 显示全部楼层
大人是个坑啊对我来说,FB没得玩之后,转到大人之后就尽亏钱,dating的,2013 Traffic Source 漫谈2013 Traffic Source 漫谈2013 Traffic Source 漫谈
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-23 15:59:37 | 显示全部楼层
A mega List of Traffic Sources - By GEO
A mega List of Traffic Sources - By GEO

1. 140Proof US/International www.140proof.com
2. 3cInteractive US/International www.3cinteractive.com
3. 4Info US/International www.4info.com
4. 4Mads US/International www.4mads.com
5. 4th Screen UK/ www.4th-screen.com
6. 5th Finger AU US/International www.5thfinger.com
7. 888 Media UK www.888media.net
8. 980 Media US/International www.980media.com
9. amobee US/UK/Singapore/Israel/Argentina www.amobee.com
10. Aarki US/International www.aarki.com
11. Acento Hispano US/International www.acento.com
12. Ad Dash US/International www.addash.co
13. Ad Triple Spain www.adtriple.es
14. Ad4Screen France www.ad4screen.com
15. Adblade US/International www.adblade.com
16. AdChina China www.adchina.com
17. Adcito US/International www.adcito.com
18. AdClickAfrica South Africa www.adclickafrica.com
19. Adclix US/ www.adclix.org
20. AdColony US/International www.adcolony.com
21. Addictive Mobility Canada www.addictivemobility.com
22. Adduplex Lithuania www.adduplex.com
23. AdFalcon UAE/Jordan www.adfalcon.com
24. Adfonic UK/ www.adfonic.com
25. Adforce Ireland www.adforce.ie
26. AdFortel Netherlands www.adfortel.com
27. Adfrap US/International www.twitter.com/Adfrap
28. Adgorithms Israel www.adgorithms.com
29. Adgoi India www.adgoi.com
30. AdGroups US/International www.adgroups.net
31. Adinch US/International www.adinch.com
32. AdiQuity India/Singapore www.adiquity.com
33. Aditic France/Spain/Singapore www.aditic.com
34. Adjuggler US/International www.adjuggler.com
35. Admagnet India www.admagnet.com
36. adMarketplace US/International www.admarketplace.com
37. AdMarvel US/International www.admarvel.com
38. Admeld US/UK/Germany/Canada www.admeld.com
39. AdMetrics Media UK/Sweden www.admetricsmedia.com
40. Admob US/International www.admob.com
41. Admobile US/International www.admobile.com
42. AdModa UK www.admoda.com
43. Adnection US/International www.adnection.com
44. AdNetwork.net Argentina/Brazil/UK www.adnetwork.net
45. Adorika Brazil www.adorika.com
46. Adprime Media US/International www.adprimemedia.com
47. AdQuota Nordic Denmark www.adquota.com
48. Adrose India www.adrose.com
49. adscale Germany www.adscale.de
50. Adsmobi US/UK/Singapore www.adsmobi.com
51. Adsolutions.yp.com ( AT & T Adv) US/International www.adsolutions.yp.com
52. AdStars (Indonesia) Indonesia www.adstars.co.id
53. Adtech US/International www.adtech.com
54. AdTheorent US/International www.adtheorent.com
55. Adtruth Device Recognition US/International www.adtruth.com
56. AdTwirl UK/Ukraine www.adtwirl.com
57. AdultModa UK/International www.adultmoda.com
58. advertising.apple.com US/International www.advertising.apple.com
59. Advertising.com US/International www.advertising.com
60. AdWhirl International https:www.adwhirl.com
61. Adwords.revmob.com Revmob Brazil www.adwords.revmob.com
62. Adyuz Spain www.adyuz.com
63. AdZouk Middle East & Asia www.adzouk.com
64. Affiliate Trading US/International www.affiliatetrading.net
65. AirAd China www.airad.com
66. AirPush US/International www.airpush.com
67. Alcance Media Spain www.alcancemg.com
68. All-Star Media Group US/International www.allstarmediagroup.com
69. Aloqa Germany www.aloqa.com
70. Amaze Mobile Hong Kong www.amazemobilemedia.com
71. Amobee US/International www.amobee.com
72. Andinto Spain www.andinto.com
73. AOL Advertising US/International www.advertising.aol.com
74. App Promo US/International www.app-promo.com
75. App Rebates US/International www.apprebates.com
76. App Redeem US/International www.appredeem.com
77. App TV Israel www.apptv.com
78. Appbrain Switzerland www.appbrain.com
79. Appdog International www.appdog.com
80. Appflood US/International www.appflood.com
81. Appia US/International www.appia.com
82. Appington US/International www.twitter.com/appington
83. Applift Germany www.applift.com
84. Applifier Finland www.applifier.com
85. Appnext Israel www.appnext.com
86. AppNexus Platform US/International www.appnexus.com
87. Appolicious US/International www.appolicious.com
88. ApproStar US/International www.approstar.com
89. Apprupt Germany www.apprupt.com
90. Appsnack US/International www.appsnack.com
91. Apptera US/International www.apptera.com
92. Appucino India www.appucino.com
93. Appular US/International www.appular.com
94. B4PSAds US/International www.b4psads.com
95. BC Media Group US/International www.bcmediagroup.com
96. BIMLocal US/International www.bimlocal.com
97. Bingadvertising.microsoft.com US/International www.advertising.microsoft.com/mobile
98. Blu Trumpet US/Canada/International www.blutrumpet.com
99. BlueCava US/International www.bluecava.com
100. Branovate US/International www.branovate.com
101. Brick & Mobile US/International www.brickandmobile.com
102. Broker.to Hong Kong www.broker.to
103. Burst Media US/UK/International www.burstmedia.com
104. Burst SMS Australia www.burstsms.com.au
105. Burstly US/International www.burstly.com
106. Buzzcity Singapore www.buzzcity.com
107. Buysellads US/International www.buysellads.com
108. Bypass Japan Japan www.bypass.jp
109. Call Loop US/International www.callloop.com
110. Callfire US/International www.callfire.com
111. casee China www.casee.cn
112. Celltick UK/International www.celltick.com
113. Celtra US/International www.celtra.com
114. ChartBoost US/International www.chartboost.com
115. Chitika US/International www.chitika.com
116. CityGrid Media US/International www.citygrid.com
117. Clash Mobile US/International www.clashmobile.com
118. Click Attack Switzerland www.clickattack.com
119. ClickaTell US/South Africa www.clickatell.in
120. Contnet Germany www.contnet.de
121. ComboApp US/Canada/International www.comboapp.com
122. CoreTalk US/International www.coretalk.co
123. CPX Moversa Mobile US/International www.moversa.com
124. Crave + Lamb UK/International www.craveandlamb.com
125. Creafi Online Media Denmark/International www.creafi.com
126. Crisp US/Singapore www.crispmedia.com
127. Crisp Wireless US/Singapore www.crispwireless.com
128. Cytech LTD Greece www.cytech.gr
129. DataXU US/International www.dataxu.com
130. Dean Media Group US/International www.deanmediagroup.com
131. Dedicated Media US/International www.dedicatedmedia.com
132. Definiti Media Israel www.definitimedia.com
133. Device Atlas Ireland www.deviceatlas.com
134. Digital Advert France www.digital-advert.com
135. Distimo Netherlands www.distimo.com
136. Dmol Media Network Spain www.dmolmn.com
137. DoubleClick US/International www.google.co.in/doubleclick
138. Drawbridge US/International www.drawbrid.ge
139. dsnrmg.com Israel www.dsnrmg.com
140. eClickZ US/International www.eclickz.com
141. egsmedia.com France www.egsmedia.com
142. eHealthcare Solutions US/International www.ehealthcaresolutions.com
143. EngageBDR US/International www.engagebdr.com
144. Enrich UK/ www.enrichmobile.com
145. Epom Market Poland/UK/Ukraine www.epom.com
146. Ero Advertising Netherlands www.ero-advertising.com
147. ExoClick Mobile Spain www.exoclick.com
148. Ez Texting US/International www.eztexting.com
149. Facebook mobile Ad International www.facebook.com/advertising
150. Fiksu US/International www.fiksu.com
151. Flurry US/International www.flurry.com
152. Gay Ad Network US/International www.gayadnetwork.com
153. Gigafone Singapore/Russia www.gigafone.com
154. Go2Mobi Canada www.go2mobi.com
155. GoldSpot Media US/International www.goldspotmedia.com
156. Google Mobile Ads International www.google.co.in/ads/mobile
157. Advine South Africa www.advine.co.za
158. Greystripe Mobile US/International www.greystripe.com
159. group.yoc.com Germany www.group.yoc.com
160. GTS Mobi Adult US/International www.gtsmobi.com
161. gujmedia.com Germany www.gujmedia.com
162. Guppy Media US/International www.guppymedia.com
163. Hands Brazil www.hands.com.br
164. Heywire US/International www.heywire.com
165. Human Demand US/International www.humandemand.com
166. Hunt Mobile Ads Argentina/Hispanic www.huntmads.com
167. iLoop mobile US/International www.iloopmobile.com
168. iMim Mobile US/International www.imimobile.com
169. Imatmobile US/International www.imatmobile.com
170. Impact Mobile US/International www.impactmobile.com
171. InMobi Singapore/International www.inmobi.com
172. Inneractive Israel www.inner-active.com
173. Interactivemedia.net Germany www.interactivemedia.net
174. Integrate South Africa www.integrat.co.za
175. Internet Advt Bureau (IAB) UK www.iabuk.net
176. Ip deutschland Germany www.ip-deutschland.de
177. inuvi.com US/International www.inuvi.com
178. Ivy Pixel US/International www.ivypixel.com
179. J&M Infinity Global US/International www.jaminfinity.tk/network
180. JA.TXT US/International www.jatxt.com
181. Jampp Argentina/Hispanic www.jampp.com
182. Jiwire US/International www.jiwire.com
183. Juice Mobile Canada Canada www.juicemobile.org
184. JuicyAds US/International www.juicyads.com
185. julu China www.julumobile.com
186. July Systems US/India www.julysystems.com
187. Jumptap US/International www.jumptap.com
188. Juniper Mobile US/International www.juniper.net
189. Kargo US/International www.kargo.com
190. Keynote Device Anywhere US/International www.keynotedeviceanywhere.com
191. Kissmyads Germany www.kissmyads.com
192. Kiip US/International www.kiip.me
193. Klikmedia Indonesia www.klikmedia.net
194. Komli India www.komli.com
195. Kontera Mobile US/International www.kontera.com
196. Leadbolt US/International www.leadbolt.com
197. LeanMarket US/International www.lean.com
198. Lifestreet Media US/International www.lifestreetmedia.com
199. lijit US/International www.lijit.com
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