The little Match Girl

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发表于 2007-12-27 09:02:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It was late on bitterly cold, snowy New Year"s Eve. A poor littlegirl was wandering i the dark, cold streets.She was bare-headed andbare-footed. She certainly had had slippers on when she left home, butthey were not much good,for they were so huge and had last been worn byher mother. And they fell off the poor little girl"s feet when she wasruning across the street to avoid two carriages that were rollingrapidly by. One of the shoes could not be found at all.And the otherwas pickde up by a boy who ran off with it, saying that it would do fora cradle when he had children of his own.
  So the poor littlegirl had to go on with her little bare feet which were red and bluewith the cold. She carried a quantity of matches in her old apron, andheld a packet of them in her matches during all the long day. Nobodyhad even given her a copper.The poor little creature was hungry andperishing with cold and she looked the picture of misery.She found acorner where one house projected a little beyound the next one,andhere, she crouched. drawing up her feet under her.But she was colderthan ever.
  Her little bands were almost dead with cold.One little match would do some good. Dare she pull one out of thebundle and strike it on the wall to warm her fingers? She pulled oneout.rishhh…How it splattered,how it blazed.It burnt with a bright clearflame just like a candle when she held her hand on it. It was a verycurious candle,too.The little girl fancied that she was sitting infront of a big stove with polished brass feet and handles. There was asplendid fire blazing in it and warming her so beautifuly.But whathappened? Just as she was stretching out her feet to warm them,theblaze went out.
  The stove vanished and she was left sittingwith the end of a burnt-out match in her hand.Again she litanother.This time she was sitting under a lovely Christmas tree. It wasmuch bigger and more beautifully decorated than the one she had seenwhen she peeped through the glass doors at the rich merchant"s housethis very last Christmas. Thousands of lighted candles gleamed upon itsbranches and colored pictures such as she had seen in the shop windowslooked down to her. The little girl stretched out both her handstowards them, and out went the match.
  All the Christmascandles rose higher and higher till she saw that they were only thetwinkling stars.One of them fell, and made a bright streak of lightacross the sky.
  Someone is dying,"thought the littlegirl.For her own grandmother, the only person who had ever been kind toher, used to say,"When a star falls, a soul is going up ot God."
  Now she struck another match against the wall and this time it was hergrandmother who appeared in the circle of flame. She saw her quiteclearly and distinctly, looking so gentle and happy."Grandmother!"criedthe little creature."Oh, do take me with you.I know you wil vanish whenthe match goes out. You will vanish like the warm stove, the deliciousgoose and the beautiful Christmas tree."
  She hastily strucka whole bundle of matches because she did so long to keep hergrandmother with her. The light of the matches made it as bright asday. Grandmother had never before looked so big or so beautiful.Shelifted the little girl up in her arms, and they soared in a halo oflight and joy, far, far above the earth where there was no more cold,no hunger, no pain.For they were with God.
  因此,可憐的小女孩只好赤著腳走路。腳凍得青一塊,紫一塊。在她破舊的圍裙裏,兜著許多火柴,沒有人給過她一個銅板。可憐的小人饑寒交迫,看起來很淒慘。在一個屋頂伸出來的角落裏,小女孩縮著腳價值 了下來,可是比原先更冷了。
发表于 2007-12-27 09:52:18 | 显示全部楼层
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