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发表于 2008-1-14 08:34:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fivedayforecast 未來五天預報

monsoon zone 季風帶

precipitation 降雨量

cleartoovercast 晴轉多雲

fine/fair/sunny 晴朗

cloudy 多雲

foggy 有霧

misty 薄霧

drizzle 小雨

pour/downpour 大雨

sleet 雨夾雪

hail/hailstone 冰雹

windy 有風

gale wind 大風

stormy wind 暴風

light air 1級風

moderate breeze 4級風

moderate gale 7級風

whole gale 10級風

typhoon 颱風

drought 乾旱

Today's Graphic 今日氣象圖

oceanic climate 海洋性氣候

Centigrade 攝氏

cloudy to overcast 陰轉多雲

mild 溫暖

overcast/dull/gloomy 陰天

frosty 霜凍

damp 潮濕

shower 陣雨

storm 暴風雨

light snow 小雪

monsoon rain 季風雨

breezy 微風陣陣

heavy/high wind 大風

gust 陣風

light breeze 2級風

fresh breeze 5級風

fresh gale 8級風

storm 11級風

duststorm 沙暴

ice sheet 冰川

Weather Forecast 天氣預報

continental climate 大陸性氣候

Fahrenheit 華氏

turning out cloudy 轉陰

cool 涼爽

snowy 有雪

chilly 微冷

wet 雨天

thundery shower 雷陣雨

thundery storm 雷雨

blizzard 暴風雪

seasonal rain 季雨

gentle wind 和風

windy and dusty 風沙

piercing wind 寒風

gentle breeze 3級風

strong breeze 6級風

strong gale 9級風

hurricane 12級風/颶風

flood 洪水

iceburg 冰山
01 Sandstorm, Duststorm, Sand, Dust 浮塵,揚沙,沙塵暴等沙塵天氣

02 Thunderstorms, Thundershowers, Storm, Lightning 雷暴,雷陣雨,風暴,閃電

03 Hail 冰雹

04 Blowing Snow, Blizzard, Snowdrift, Snowstorm 吹雪,大風雪,堆雪,暴風雪

05 Snow Showers, Flurries 陣雪,小雪

06 Snow, Heavy Snow, Snowfall 雪,大雪,降雪

07 Light Snow 小雪

08 Sleet雨夾雪

09 Showers, Heavy Showers, Rainshower 陣雨,強陣雨(從降雨強度及降雨量上)

10 Occasional Showers, Scattered Showers零星陣雨(時間、空間上不連續的陣雨)

11 Isolated Showers局地陣雨(空間分佈上比Scattered Showers範圍更小的陣雨)

12 Light Showers小陣雨

13 Freezing Rain凍雨

14 Rain雨

15 Drizzle, Light Rain毛毛雨,小雨

16 Fog霧

17 Mist輕霧

18 Smoke煙霧

19 Haze霾

20 Overcast陰

21 Sunny Interval, No Rain, Clearing多雲間晴

22 Sunny Period, Partly Cloudy, Partly Bright, Mild晴間多雲

23 Cloudy, Mostly Cloudy多雲

24 Bright, Sunny, Fair晴(尤指白天)

25 Fine, Clear晴

26 Windy, Squall, Stormy, Chill, Gale風,狂風,暴風,寒風,大風

27 Wet, Humid潮濕

28 Dry乾燥

29 Freezing冰凍

30 Frost霜凍

31 Hot炎熱

32 Cold寒冷

33 Warm暖和(升溫)

34 Cool涼爽(降溫)

35 Dew Point(露點)

36 Humidity(濕度)

37 Wind(風力)

38 Visibility(能見度)

39 Barometer(氣壓)
发表于 2008-1-18 09:04:59 | 显示全部楼层
shanghai's snowy these days.  中英文天气预报对照表
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