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发表于 2008-1-28 09:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中國民主革命的先行者孫中山首先提出“振興中華”的口號,Dr. Sun Yat-sen, China's forerunner of the democratic revolution, wasthe first to put forward the slogan of "rejuvenation of China."

他領導的辛亥革命,推翻了在中國延續幾千年的君主專制制度。He led the Revolution of 1911 to remove the millennia old autocratic monarchy in China.

在毛澤東思想指引下,中國共產黨領導中國人民實現了民族獨立和人民解放,並把中國建設成為初步繁榮昌盛的社會主義國家。Under theguidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the Chinese Communist Party led theChinese people in achieving China's national independence and people'sliberation and in building China into a socialist country with initialprosperity.

今天,在鄧小平理論指引下,我國人民堅定不移地實行改革開放,在現代化建設中取得舉世矚目的成就。Today, guided by DengXiaoping Theory, the Chinese people are firmly pressing ahead withreform and opening-up and have made remarkable achievements in themodernization drive.

中國進入了百年來發展最快最好的歷史時期。China has entered a period with the fastest and healthiest development in this century.

改革開放,是中華民族自強不息和變革創新精神在當代的集中體現和創造性發展。The reform and opening-up endeavoris an embodiment and a creative development of the Chinese spirit ofconstantly striving for self-perfection and renovation in modern times.

我們把改革開放叫作社會主義改革開放,因為它是中國社會主義制度的自我完善和發展。We refer to our reform andopening-up as socialist reform and opening-up because they constitutethe process of self-improvement and development of the socialist systemin China.

近20年的實踐已充分證明,我們進行改革開放的方向是正確的,信念是堅定的,步驟是穩妥的,方式是漸進的,取得的成就是巨大的。Thepractice in recent twenty years has eloquently proved that we are rightin direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual inour approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and haveachieved tremendous successes.

雖然在前進中也遇到這樣和那樣一些困難和風險,但我們都順利地解決了,不僅沒有引起大的社會震動,而且極大地解放和發展了社會生產力,保持了社會穩定和全面進步。We have successfully overcome various difficulties and risks in thecourse of our advance without causing great social unrest. Rather, wehave succeeded in greatly releasing and developing productive forcesand maintained social stability and an all-round progress.

現在,我們正在滿懷信心地全面推進改革。We are conducting a comprehensive reform with full confidence.

在經濟上,要加快建立社會主義市場經濟體制,實現工業化和經濟的社會化、市場化、現代化;Economically, we will speedup the establishment of a socialist market economy and realizeindustrialization, and the socialization, marketization andmodernization of the economy.

在政治上,要努力發展社會主義民主政治,依法治國,建設社會主義法治國家,保證人民充分行使管理國家和社會事務的權力;Politically, wewill endeavor to develop socialist democracy, govern the countryaccording to law, build a socialist country under the rule of law andensure the full exercise of people's rights to govern the country andmanage social affairs.

Culturally, we will work hard to develop a scientific socialist culturefor the people, a culture that is geared to the needs of modernization,of the nation, of the world and of the future, adopt a strategy ofrejuvenating China through science and education, and strive to raisethe political and moral standards as well as scientific and culturallevel of the entire nation.

總起來說,就是要把中國建成富強民主文明的現代化國家。In a word, it is to build our country into aprosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced modern country.

中國作為疆域遼闊、人口眾多、歷史悠久的國家,應該對人類有較大的貢獻。China, a country with vast territory,a big population and a long history, should make greater contributionto humanity.

中國人民所以要進行百年不屈不撓的鬥爭,The Chinese people waged a dauntless struggle for one hundred years.

所以要實行一次又一次的偉大變革、實現國家的繁榮富強,They have effected great reforms and changesone after another to build China into a strong and prosperous country.

所以要加強民族團結、完成祖國統一大業,所以要促進世界和平與發展的崇高事業They have worked to strengthenethnic harmony and achieve national reunification and to promote thelofty cause of world peace and development.

歸根到底就是為了一個目標:實現中華民族的偉大復興,爭取對人類作出新的更大的貢獻。In the final analysis, theyhave done all these for one objective, that is the great rejuvenationof the Chinese nation and China's greater contribution to humanity.

總之,今天中國所選擇的社會制度和發展道路,實行的內外政策,確定的下個世紀的奮鬥目標,既有現實的根據,又有歷史的淵源;In short, thechoice of the social system and development path that China has made,the domestic and foreign policies that it has pursued and the goals ithas identified for the next century are all based on both the realityand the history.

既符合人類歷史發展的趨勢和時代潮流,又具有中華民族自己的特色;Therefore, they are not only inconformity with the trend of the historical development of mankind andthat of the times, but also reflect the characteristics of the Chinesenation.

既符合中國人民的根本利益,又有利於世界的和平、穩定、繁榮與進步。They serve not only the fundamentalinterests of the Chinese people, but also world peace, stability,prosperity and progress.

掌握這一點,乃是瞭解和認識中國現狀與未來的關鍵。This is the key to an understanding of the present China and its future.

中美兩國人民的友好交往,已有200多年歷史。The friendly exchanges between the Chinese andAmerican peoples date back to more than two hundred years ago.

1784年,美國商船“中國皇后號”遠航到中國。Back in 1784, American merchant ship the "Empress of China" came a long way to China. In 1847,

1847年,中國最早的一批留美學生容閎等人赴美求學。Chinese student Rong Hong and others came tothe United States as the first group of Chinese students to study here.

許多中國人參加了美國的建設事業,不少美國人同情和幫助過中國的民族解放事業。Many Chinese contributed to thenation-building of the United States, while a lot of American friendshelped and supported the national liberation cause of the Chinesepeople.

他們的動人事蹟,我們永遠記在心中。We will never forget their contribution which has touched us deeply.

中國人民一向欽佩美國人民的求實精神和創造精神。The Chinese people have always admired theAmerican people for their pragmatic attitude and creative spirit.

昨天,我參觀了國際商用機器公司、美國電話電報公司和貝爾實驗室,領略了當代科技發展的前沿成就。My visit to IBM, AT&Tand the Bell laboratory yesterday gave me some first-hand knowledge ofthe latest successes in modern science and technology.

科學技術的突飛猛進,越來越深刻地影響著世界政治經濟的格局和人們的社會生活。Today's rapid development inscience and technology is bringing about increasingly greater impact onglobal political and economic pattern and people's social life.

堅持變革創新,理想就會變為現實。If we persist in our reform, we will be able to turn our ideals into reality.

我們在擴大開放、實現現代化的進程中,重視學習和吸收美國人民創造的一切優秀文化成果。In our course to further openup and achieve modernization, we have spared no efforts in learningfrom all the fine cultural achievements of the American people.

中美兩國人民的友好合作對世界具有重大影響。Friendship and cooperation between our two peoples are of great importance to the world.

美國是最發達的資本主義國家,中國是最大的發展中國家。The United States is the most developed country and China the largest developing country.


China is a country with 1.2 billion people. Its stability and rapiddevelopment is of vital importance to the stability and development inAsia-Pacific and the world at large.

中國擁有廣大的市場和發展需求,美國擁有先進的科學技術和巨大的物質力量,China holds a huge market and greatdemand for development and the United States holds advanced science andtechnology as well as enormous material force.

兩國之間有著很強的經濟互補性。The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other.

中國的潛在市場同國外的先進技術和資金優勢結合起來,就能形成眾多的發展機遇和強大的發展活力。China's potential market,once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital, willproduce many opportunities and great vigor for development.


China and the United States share broad common interests and shouldercommon responsibility on many important questions which are crucial tohuman survival and development such as maintaining world peace andsecurity, preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction,protecting environment for human survival and combating internationalcrimes.

這些都是中美兩國發展友好合作的重要基礎。All these provide an important basis for further developing China-U.S. friendly relations and cooperation.

我們應該牢牢把握中美關係的大局,We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of China-U.S. relations

妥善解決分歧,不斷朝著增進瞭解、擴大共識、發展合作、創未來的目標前進。and settle our differences properlyso as to reach the goal of promoting mutual understanding, broadeningcommon ground, developing cooperation and building a future together.

這次訪問期間,我同克林頓總統就中美關係的未來發展,深入交換了意見,達成了廣泛共識。During my current visit to theUnited States, I had an in-depth exchange of views and reached broadagreement with President Clinton on the future development ofChina-U.S. relations.

雙方同意,為了促進世界和平與發展的崇高事業,中美應該加強合作,努力建立面向21世紀的建設性的戰略夥伴關係。We both agree thatwith a view to promoting the lofty cause of world peace anddevelopment, China and the United States should strengthen cooperationand work to build a constructive strategic partnership oriented towardthe 21st century.

這標誌著中美關係進入了一個新的發展階段。This will mark a new stage of development in the China-U.S. relations.

哈佛大學一向重視對中國的研究。Harvard University has all along placed importance on China studies.

貴校已故的費正清教授,就是畢生從事中國歷史文化研究的知名學者。The late Professor Fairbank was awell-known scholar from Harvard. He devoted all his life to the studyof Chinese history and culture.

為了有助於研究中國的歷史和現實,我願向貴校贈送一套新出版的《毛澤東評點二十四史》。In order to promote the studyof China's past and present, I will present Harvard with a set of newlypublished Twenty-Four Histories with Mao Zedong's Comments.

二十四史是記載中國幾千年歷史的重要典籍。Twenty-Four Histories are important classical works on China's history of several thousand years.

毛澤東先生一生對二十四史做過許多評點和批註,為認識中國的歷史和吸取歷史經驗,留下了豐富的思想遺產。In his life time, Mr.Mao Zedong made numerous comments and annotations on the Twenty-FourHistories, thus leaving us with a rich heritage of philosophy inunderstanding and drawing useful lessons from China's history.

我高興地得知,陸登庭校長將于明年訪華,我期待在北京與你再次見面。I am glad to learn that you, Mr.President, will come to China next year. I look forward to meeting youagain in Beijing or Shanghai.

我很欣賞哈佛校門上的一段話:“為增長智慧走進來,為服務祖國和同胞走出去。”I highly appreciate the motto onthe gate of your University. It reads: “Enter to grow in wisdom” and“Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.”

中國青年也把“胸懷祖國、服務人民”作為自己的座右銘。Young people in China have also a motto, thatis, “keep the motherland in heart and serve the people with heart andsoul.”

我希望中美兩國青年在建設各自國家、促進世界和平與發展的事業中,加深瞭解,互相學習,增進友誼,為創造美好的未來而努力奮鬥。I hope thatin the cause of building our own countries and promoting world peaceand development, younger generations of China and the United Stateswill understand each other better, learn from each other, enhance thefriendship and strive for a better future.
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