Myspace Method

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发表于 2008-12-20 22:36:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A lot of people aren't taking advantage of high traffic social sites for cookie stuffing. This strategy is based around MySpace, but any high traffic page that allows images will work for this.

Everyone who cookie stuffs needs to have a strong, and generally free source of traffic, this means forums, auctions, etc. You can stuff ebay auctions, but the amount of traffic you'll receive is very small compared to this.
Think of it this way, Ebay is one of the most POPULAR sites on the internet. You can go ask a toothless bum on the side of the road what ebay is, and he will probably tell you he bought his last cardboard home from there.
Myspace of course, is always in the top ten highest traffic sites on the web. There are other sites like facebook, hi5 and so on, but myspace audience goes hand and hand with ebay purchases.
The first thing you'll need to do is find a affiliate that allows cookie dropping (most do 30 day).
Next, you'll need to incorporate an htaccess redirect. This code allows you to have a file which is hosted on your domain redirected to something else of your choosing when accessed.
Once you've completed the first two steps, you are ready to get the traffic.  
You've probably seen "THANKS FOR THE ADD" comments on tons of high traffic pages like actors and bands, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE!
What you want to do is create a new myspace account, throw up a photo of a random hotty Here is my example and then head over to the MySpace Music page.
On the music page, go to "top artists", this will give you a TON of pages to exploit. I recommend getting a Myspace Friend Adder (You can find these for free, or buy it, up to you).
Make sure you set your adder program to ONLY POST TO PROFILES THAT ALLOW HTML.
Using your profile with a hot chick, go ahead and send a comment to any of the high traffic pages you have chosen with: "Omg, thanks for the add!" (img code here).
When you do this, most of the page managers are going to accept your comment (99% for me) and then your photo aka cookie gets placed on the main page until it gets pushed down by new accepted comments.
As you'll see, a lot of these bands get an insane amount of traffic each day, way more than any random forum will get you.
I averaged 300+ profit every day for about 2-3 hours of work while testing this, and most important, i was still paid.

I probably only had my cookie on 100-150 profiles. I would recomend hiring someone to do this for you each day and there would be nothing stopping you from making thousands of dollars a day in profit, though this should be spread over multiple affiliate accounts.
This tactic can also be used for any other social site that allows photo comments or the image code. In my opinion, posting on forums is a waste of time.


参与人数 1 +10 收起 理由
luckasus + 10 我很赞同


发表于 2008-12-21 02:24:34 | 显示全部楼层
用这个方法直接img来cookie stuff要注意了,前段时间amazon封了很多帐号的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-13 15:32:23 | 显示全部楼层
nexxboy=cookie stuff
Myspace Method
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-9-20 16:45:55 | 显示全部楼层
不管过时有否 学习之前的做法
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