Easy Search Engine Optimization - Building Backlinks on Your Own

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发表于 2009-3-16 12:58:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
March 14, 2009 (today)
You may have heard, even in another of my articles, that you're going to get the best search engine optimization if you can get other websites to link to you. But the question I used to have was, "Why would anyone link to me?"

But the trick is that you can do it yourself. Without bothering any other website owners for backlinks.

(Let me go ahead and warn you now that this won't work well for highly competitive search terms like "credit repair" or "weight loss." But it should work well for fairly niche concepts like the example I've been using, which is "training English Sheepdogs.")

You're going to use Web 2.0 to your advantage. So many websites now are filled with user-generated content rather than stuff written by the site's owner. That allows you to put YOUR stuff on OTHER domains (often, pretty big domains) and link to yourself.

Here's where:

1. Twitter and Facebook This is way easy, but not terribly powerful. Google indexes activity on Twitter, so if you "tweet" a link, Google will find it. Same with sharing a link or a note on Facebook.

2. Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and other social networking/bookmarking sites Get a Digg.com and StumbleUpon.com account, and preferably network and meet people on there too. If you "Digg" and "Stumble" your own stuff, Google will find it and often love it. I've seen my Diggs on Google ahead of my sites.

3. HubPages and Squidoo Both of these sites allow users to create quickie, idiot-proof "mini-sites" on very specific topics. If you create a HubPages and Squidoo page about training English Sheepdogs and link them back to your site using "training English Sheepdogs" as the anchor text of the link, you've created a really relevant backlink.

4. Article sites Like eZineArticles.com, where I originally posted this! Free article sites are filled with articles like mine that people can 1) read and 2) post on their sites or in their newsletters for free. Because these articles get passed around, your link (which appears in the source box, like mine below) will also appear on their sites... linking back to you.

Happy optimizing!

From: Onlinearnings.com
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