[sale] $800+ A DAY...selling BUSINESS CARDS?

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发表于 2012-5-17 23:17:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This is a copy past thread which way removed very quickly from another forum but I managed to save in a word document $800+ A DAY...selling BUSINESS CARDS?

This method was posted but a guy which I admire in offline world. He's not some kind of guru but he knows his stuff and always has great succes with offline method.

He's the guy who tried my offline method which I was selling as a wso and he made 4 sales for $497 each in one day using my method with a twist.

I respect him and you shloud too. He's calld Don Alm / midasman09 at WF.

Here is the method:

WHO would ever imagine!...selling Business Cards could earn someone $800 and more...a DAY!

And....the "someone" I'm referring to is a "50 year old WOMAN"....WITHOUT an ounce of "Sales Experience"!

Yup....just "walking down a commercial street"....going into every door that opens....brings this lady a Minimum of $800 DAILY!....some days....OVER $2,000! Her biggest day thus far was $3,400!....in a SINGLE DAY! (17 Real Estate Agents in one office)

OK! OK! I'll fess up! I'll "spill da beans, right here and now"....including a PHOTO of an actual Card!

Hold onto yer hats! What you are about to see is something almost "Magical"!

The "Magic" is in....how I was able to take a woman who was having a "VERY Rough Time after her hubby passed"....from being "half-scared to death of what she was going to do with the rest of HER LIFE!...since her hubby left her with nothing but a wad of bills!....to being IN-dependent.... relying on HERSELF for her INcome!

What she is doing is...offering a Very Special Kind of Business Card. It's a Card that has a Photo of the busimess person on the front and....now HERE'S where the POWER comes in...and WHY business people are willing to PAY HER HANDSOMELY...for HER CARDS!

.......on the Back are "Special Discount Offers" from local restaurants and other businesses (Oil Change, Tire Shop, Florist)!....that can be used over and over again...by the recipient with the PHOTO on the other side of the Card!

The annual Savings with the Special Offers will MORE THAN PAY for the cost of the Card! and...each and every person they give this Card to...will KEEP it....Guaranteed! ...because of the Discounts!


Background - ...when "Business Cards" were first used they were Small and Handy and contained useful info. Just hand 'em out and recipients could stuff 'em into their shirt pockets or top desk drawer...where they could be easily stored and found for later referrence.

Well...around 1985 or so....companies started offering to put Full Color PHOTOS on the common Business Card. (I know, I bought a Dealership) This changed the whole scenario because recpients of the Cards could now remember what the person looked like, who gave them the Card.

People offering these "Full Color PHOTO" Cards got better exposure....their Cards were kept longer (mainly because people DON'T like to throw "photos" away)....and...these Cards brought them more business!

Now....fast forward to Jan of 2010. I had just finished a VERY successful run of my "Employee Discount Cards". (These are Busuness Cards with Discounts of local businesses which we sold for $10 ea to local business owners (less if they bought in volume)....to give to their employees as Gifts.

One of the people selling my "Employee Discount Cards" asked if she could keep selling the Discount Cards to businesses. Well....because the Christmas "Gift-Giving" season was over, we couldn't use the Cards as a "Gift" item....BUT....I remembered that I had just had a real estate buddy ask me where she could get some "$800+ A DAY...selling BUSINESS CARDS?hoto" business cards made....and BLAM! WHAM!....it HIT ME!

WHY DON'T I COMBINE THE REGULAR "$800+ A DAY...selling BUSINESS CARDS?HOTO" BUSINESS CARDS WITH....DISCOUNT CARDS?....placing the Special Discounts on the OTHER SIDE of the Photo Card....so that recipients could take advantage of the discounts?

Yahoo! So....I made up a few samples and gave them to my sales gal...who went out and sold the heck out of these things.....to the tune of an average of $800 A DAY in sales...for the past 10 1/2 months.

She stopped by this morn (she's heading off to her son's home for Turkey-Day") and she wanted to stop by and give me a Special "Thanks" for helping give her a "New Life" and "Hope" for a GREAT YEAR coming up!

So....just from ONE small change in a product....people's lives can change!

She not only gets Initial Orders BUT....RE-ORDERS!

Now....here's the skinny on this;
You go get some restaurants and other businesses (that would like more business by providing Special Offers. Doesn't have to be 15...8 or 10 would do)....then make up a Sample and go Show business people why YOUR Card will be KEPT and REFERRED TO OFTEN....and NOT THROWN AWAY!....because...not only does YOUR Card have a Photo on one side...it also has Special Discount Offers from other businesses on the other side.

So....the recipients of these Cards....KEEP THEM! That's why I named them "KEEPER CARDZ"!

Now....you're probably wondering WHAT TO CHARGE for these little pieces of "Magic" that have changed people's lives and COULD CHANGE YOURS!

We've found the following Prices to work best. Best for us who are selling them and best for those who are paying for a Card that WILL BE KEPT....FOR A LONG TIME!

The Prices are....500 for $189 and 1,000 for $249!

We've found a printer that does a fantastic job for about $35 (including shipping to our door)

And....below is a Photo of one of the Cardz. Make up your own Sample and go get some businesses to agree to honor your Cardz.

You NET over $200 PER JOB! 4 Orders a Day puts $800 in your jeans PLUS...Renewals come in AUTOMATICALLY! WHAT A DEAL!

Here's the Sample;

Don Alm....enjoy

So that the method. It's simple! It's brillinat! Just go and try it $800+ A DAY...selling BUSINESS CARDS?

Read more @ bestblackhatforum.com : $800+ A DAY...selling BUSINESS CARDS? http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thr ... CARDS#ixzz1v8m2Q2nF
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