[CPALead] New DUMBY easy method to make up for my absence

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发表于 2012-5-22 00:17:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alright here is a new method just came form the top of my head that even a dummy can copy and paste and make some money. Like I said this is fresh off of the old thinker and I am almost 99.9 percent sure it is not already being done.

To get started you will need either to be a programmer. Hire a programmer or use the CPALEAD reward script found here.

So here it goes. So easy and so right there it is not even funny. People make post on forums in return for free hosting . There are several free hosting that requires 20 forum post or more a month in order to get free hosting.

Honestly where is the instant money in that? People get tired and end up buying the hosting or what? Seriously what kind of knuckle head does this crap? BUT they do. These host have HUNDREDS of people posting for them in there forum each and every day. So why not offer them something that does not involve so much brain power. Let us monetize these knuckleheads.

IN COMES host for dollars. They instead of having to complete 20 forum post a month only have to complete 10-20 surveys a month. now each survey is going to give you an estimate 1.30 on average via CPAlead at least that is my average. Yes I get some low .30 ones but also get the high 9.00 one as well.

So if you can get 100 people wanting free hosting doing about 20 surveys a month that is 2.6k a month which is more then you would get from 100 customers. *unless me math is wrong*

Hosting for surveys is going to be the next big thing. too bad i am too busy with my other sheet to actually do it.

Now go buy hosting4surveys.com and put it to use already.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:17:29 | 显示全部楼层
Only problem is a survey is 4-5 pages long. Why would someone complete 20 surveys at 4-5pages each, when all they have to do on other forums is make XX amount of posts, which would be a lot easier of a target.

I think your aiming a bit too high here. You could easily just make it 1 offer per person for 1 month hosting. The majority of the people wouldn't even use a little piece of a reseller hosting (you can grab for under $15 a month). SO this way, to break even just get around 10 people to sign up... Anything after this is profit.

It's not much of a profit, but oh well....

Was debating whether to share this, but who cares as it was just off the top of my head... Instead of getting the person wanting hosting to do the offer, why not hide his website? Instead of showing banner ads on his hosting, show a gateway on every 1 out of 20 visitors. Make it so the gateway only has to be done once (you don't want to abuse visitors too much, otherwise your hoster will find another host).
This way you will have a lot more success, as you won't have any sign up prerequisites (more people from the forum will sign up under you)... And the more popular/big someones site is, the more money you make.

^^ For this idea it would be best to get a dedi server to handle the traffic New DUMBY easy method to make up for my absence
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
Exactly the type of thinking out of the box I like to see. You are correct the higher the survey pays out the longer the survey is. when it comes to CPAlead gateways this is a whole brand new way of thinking. I can almost bet it will be the next big thing to make people some huge amounts of money.

Just remember you saw it here at MMD first!!!
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:17:48 | 显示全部楼层
The only problem would to control on what content they use. Some users want to attempt adult content or copyright content, which cpalead is in the works of banning.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:17:59 | 显示全部楼层
You got a point. That is a lot of moderating for such little return.

Probably what would work best is a modification of the original plan. I.E like was said most will not want to do 20 surveys a month so maybe cut it down to 4 or 5 and you could still kill it and really these people who NEED free hosting will do anything.

It is all a matter of what you have and what they want. You have what they want they have to do a quick job to get what they want since they do not have the cash.

Still even at 4 surveys a month if you just had 100 customers that is 500 something a month. Which will pay for a reseller account then some.

I think the best way to do it honestly would be via a custom script. You can probably get a custom script that would be able to autopilot the whole thing for a very small fee at freelancer.com .Advertising for free hosting is very cheap and in some cases free even. Which is why a lot of the new host start out usually buy a server for free hosting then advertise on there clients website there paid host. Actually in the long run much cheaper that way.

Now as far as business wise most free host have thousands of clients within a short period of time. so the example with 100 is just a random number you would actually be talking about somewhere in the network of thousands. IF you advertise right that is. Small note here if you get that big a reseller account WILL NOT do. you will need something with some more umph like a VPS then a server then a couple of servers and so on and so forth and grow as you need.

Now not trying to shoot lead up your rear or anything like that but honestly if you have the time this idea can make some an ungodly amount of money.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:18:09 | 显示全部楼层
Setup a hosting script that makes them go through a checklist of what they will be hosting before you allow them.

Alternatively, make a scraper that runs via cron and scrapes all pages on your server for keywords (related to illegal/copyrighted material). If the keyword is found, then it will report it to you or automatically suspend the users account. Again quite easy to program New DUMBY easy method to make up for my absence
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:18:22 | 显示全部楼层
Kinda like what they do at some famous Classified site? Kidding...

The first idea I would not trust. People lie.

Not so much the second one either. I say it would have to hide the gateway out till a manual review. As we all know that there are false positives. Also the task of putting in all the negative keywords to look for that would be one heck of a job. Wonder on thousands of sites what kind of strain having that running 24/7 that would put on the server. It would have to be scraping all sites 24/7 in case a user got slick and changed up his site. unless you put it on an off server having it communicate in a cluster or something. Still a lot of work for very little return. what if the user gets smart and just refreshes the page? A lot of ifs there. Good idea it really is just needs refined for production.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:18:36 | 显示全部楼层
Alright here is a new method just came form the top of my head that even a dummy can copy and paste and make some money. Like I said this is fresh off of the old thinker and I am almost 99.9 percent sure it is not already being done.

To get started you will need either to be a programmer. Hire a programmer or use the CPALEAD reward script found here.

So here it goes. So easy and so right there it is not even funny. People make post on forums in return for free hosting . There are several free hosting that requires 20 forum post or more a month in order to get free hosting.

Honestly where is the instant money in that? People get tired and end up buying the hosting or what? Seriously what kind of knuckle head does this crap? BUT they do. These host have HUNDREDS of people posting for them in there forum each and every day. So why not offer them something that does not involve so much brain power. Let us monetize these knuckleheads.

IN COMES host for dollars. They instead of having to complete 20 forum post a month only have to complete 10-20 surveys a month. now each survey is going to give you an estimate 1.30 on average via CPAlead at least that is my average. Yes I get some low .30 ones but also get the high 9.00 one as well.

So if you can get 100 people wanting free hosting doing about 20 surveys a month that is 2.6k a month which is more then you would get from 100 customers. *unless me math is wrong*

Hosting for surveys is going to be the next big thing. too bad i am too busy with my other sheet to actually do it.

Now go buy hosting4surveys.com and put it to use already.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:18:48 | 显示全部楼层
Actually the script isn't that much manual work, and it wouldn't be much of a strain on the server. As the best way to do it, is it would scrape all files when they are uploaded/edited. This means no matter what they tried, you would disallow them at the source, and could even delete the file before it goes live. (A lot of free hosts already have this software in place for malicious files, such as blocking .exe files, .rar files, and many other keyword based protections against torrent scripts and such).
What I would do is have it scrape for movie names/TV shows and other warez related material... You can easily setup a database by scraping lists, which would take an hour or two at most to setup, of which you would just be watching over the lists as they pile up.
From here you will make it so that if it finds the keyword, it will then scrape the rest of the page to look for any filehost or video streaming places. Again, it is easy to get a database list by scraping or even manually inputting the sites.
If the file gives two red flags, then do not allow the file on your server.

There you go. A nice simple way to eliminate any copyrighted material at the source.
Any more coding issues you think it may have?

This is not a perfect solution as it could block people simply pointing to a trailer. But you could easily allow certain streaming places such as youtube, as they will delete almost all the copyrighted content within a day anyway. Again, there are ways to program an algorithm to allow trailers and such, but that's getting even more advanced.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
Would be worth a try something like that could probably be done by outsourcers pretty cheap.

Now what about the content gateway. If you have it throw up a gateway every 20 visitors what if said visitors either refreshed or just closed out the page. That would mean 20 more would have to pass through your way before another opportunity yet after time I am most certain it will become clear to them to view these sites on the server all they have to do is refresh.

So I am thinking a solution for this might be to possibly use some form of call back so every 20 it will go off until someone completes the survey no matter what which could still be done pretty easily I am sure.

Also why am I putting so much thought into a method I am not going to use?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:19:09 | 显示全部楼层
Also, to make more people signup under you. Offer the most storage and bandwidth!!! (most will never use it, but people love to see more for free).

You can even allow them to setup their own filehosts, etc... (You would get a lot of users... But you would need a little bit of startup money as you would need a couple of server... Still easy to make money back though).

File host would need a lot more of a complex script!!!
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:19:18 | 显示全部楼层
A simple fix to the illegal/adult stuff would be offshore hosting. However you cannot add the widget to their site as it will/can contain that stuff, which for cpalead is a no no. You can use adultacceXXNow and bypass that all :p
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:19:29 | 显示全部楼层
Offshore doesn't matter, as you aren't going to get in trouble with the authorities. If they do contact you, it will only be to remove one of your clients, not to do anything to you... So this is not a problem.

About the CPALead widget being a no no on those types of sites, that's what Smeltzer and I have been discussing on how to prevent it effectively.

Also, you could alternatively have your script scrape for adult keywords as well and if it does contain adult keywords, then display the AAN gateway instead of the normal gateway.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:19:37 | 显示全部楼层
Hey guys. I like the strategising going on here. I am interested in doing something with this. If anyone here is capable of doing the programming,I would be interested in doing the marketing and floating the up front $$$ costs, and us doing a jv with this, just shoot me a pm and lets chat New DUMBY easy method to make up for my absence
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:19:51 | 显示全部楼层
If you got the cash the best bet is just outsourcing a programmer.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
Yep, your best bet is to hire a programmer. As most of the programmers on here that I know of, do their own marketing as well (including me) New DUMBY easy method to make up for my absence.

Another thing that you have to think of is that you also need to be well versed in being a server admin, otherwise you will need to hire one. As most free hosts generally need another server/cluster just for their mysql process'... Along with a raid config and nightly backups.

It's a good idea. But it's not as simple as 123... There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:20:09 | 显示全部楼层
I have few questions about this:

1) Would reseller hosting from companies like Hostgator work here?

2) Since I dont know anything about programming or anything like that, would it be possible to just provide the people with surveys which they should fill out each month by email? if they dont fill it out then cancel the service.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:20:19 | 显示全部楼层
people have been doing this on DP for a wile now.

Nice way to think outside tho box tho.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:20:30 | 显示全部楼层
Alright here is a new method just came form the top of my head that even a dummy can copy and paste and make some money. Like I said this is fresh off of the old thinker and I am almost 99.9 percent sure it is not already being done.

To get started you will need either to be a programmer. Hire a programmer or use the CPALEAD reward script found here.

So here it goes. So easy and so right there it is not even funny. People make post on forums in return for free hosting . There are several free hosting that requires 20 forum post or more a month in order to get free hosting.

Honestly where is the instant money in that? People get tired and end up buying the hosting or what? Seriously what kind of knuckle head does this crap? BUT they do. These host have HUNDREDS of people posting for them in there forum each and every day. So why not offer them something that does not involve so much brain power. Let us monetize these knuckleheads.

IN COMES host for dollars. They instead of having to complete 20 forum post a month only have to complete 10-20 surveys a month. now each survey is going to give you an estimate 1.30 on average via CPAlead at least that is my average. Yes I get some low .30 ones but also get the high 9.00 one as well.

So if you can get 100 people wanting free hosting doing about 20 surveys a month that is 2.6k a month which is more then you would get from 100 customers. *unless me math is wrong*

Hosting for surveys is going to be the next big thing. too bad i am too busy with my other sheet to actually do it.

Now go buy hosting4surveys.com and put it to use already.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:20:39 | 显示全部楼层
Been looking for almost a month trying to see where they do this and have yet to see it done on DP.. Freebies and hosting i have yet to find it. however they are doing post in forum for VPS and hosting and such. One person did implement it and it has been said that this is impossible with CPAlead it can not be done due to lack of offers. they have even talked to there AM about it to try and configure it in a way in which it could work and it is impossible as one company somehow treats all there leads as one so if they did the survey under a different survey name but same company the company would scrub the lead. so doubt you saw this being successfully implemented anywhere. Maybe a fake hosting front but not done successfully.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:20:48 | 显示全部楼层
yeah, i don't recall the thread name, but there was a guy doing this.
he did not advertise that it was CPALead on his first post, someone that went and took a look at his site made a comment about it on his thread.

It was a wile back tho.
I was reading a TON of hosting services on there looking for some cheap hosting for my adsense sites.
But like i said, it was a wile back. seeing how my last post here was 2 months ago.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-22 00:21:01 | 显示全部楼层
Yeah and I keep trying to find a new place to implement it, I tried CPALead again and they banned me lol. Security reasons(never got my w-9, they trusted me, so tax free mofkers New DUMBY easy method to make up for my absence )

I am still working to find a fix , just tough.
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