Incredibly Easy CPA Email/Zip Submit "Game" Method $100+ a day

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发表于 2012-5-21 00:16:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Was doing this before I got my hands on the Secret Submit Method tool by Bodeezy.

I bet this method still works wonders so why not give it a try? What you're going to need is a ton of CPA networks. If you haven't done so already go to Affiliate Programs Directory - Many Affiliate Marketing Programs Listed. They have a good deal of information on the networks such as net payment rates, number of offers, and a lot of other useful information. Tips for getting accepted:

-Call them a day after you apply if you haven't been accepted/called yet.

-Speak in a clear voice and tell them that you build landing pages (unless you want to go the email marketer way or whatever) and use Search Engine Optimization to drive traffic to your offers. I literally got into 20-30 networks with a simple and crappy Wordpress blog I had laying around. It's highly recommended that you throw some adsense ads on there and any other CPA network banners if you can. There's other better ways to get accepted (Search Marketer, Email Marketer, etc.), but this should be fine.

-If they ask what offers say you're doing really well with trial offers and cash advances. Almost every network is focusing on those two right now because they're hot with the economy in the crapper.

-Be polite and have manners. They're nice people like this so if you go the extra yard to be kind to them...they might just return the favor.

A few networks I'd recommend: Hydra Network, Never Blue, and Xy7. They have good people there and the tracking is onpoint. Plus there's a ton of email/zip submit offers on there.

Ok, so what you're going to do is this:

1. Get ahold of the offers.

2. Put them up on your website somewhere. Make it look presentable and reasonable so that it's believable that someone might actually click on them. I suggest making a blog post (if you have a blog of course) about the product inside the email/zip submit and putting the offer banner/link after that post.

3. Go to They have traffic there that is cheap and it'll fit our needs for now. If you could get PPC for WH leads on your offers that'd be even better. Make sure to optimize your website though so the offers do stand out. I have a thread on BHW about making a blog and getting your email/zip submit converts. This will go hand in hand with it so you may be able to make double the income. Thread:

Banking by Blogging with CPA Offer Products Method (email/zip submits, trial offers, +++) - Black Hat Forum

Wasn't very popular because it took too much work probably...but you can combine it with other methods EASILY. Like this one.

4. Choose an online multi-player game like Gunbound/Runescape or something with a huge chatroom. You can even use AIM chatrooms, CL postings, or anything for this. I chose the game method because I was a geek. Ok, this is where you're going to get skeptical and be like, "This doesn't work, what a jackass." Well I'm telling you this now...You're wrong. People who are close-minded and don't try new opportunites aren't going to succeed.

In-game go find people to fill out your offers. I usually find a game that's enjoyable because I roam around and stuff or leave it there while I'm doing my other IM stuff. First, find one of those newbs and make sure they're from the US. Ask him to check out your blog. Tell him you'll help him out or whatever but that he has to fill out the offers. Just tell him to make a new gmail and fill in the offers with real-sounding information so that they won't get suspicious over that. Make sure you line up as many email offers as you can so that one person you trick into doing this will get you like $10 or something. I would recommend sending some white hat traffic to this that might actually convert via Youtube or something just to keep it nice and legit looking. I generally wait about 30 minutes to an hour before finding someone else. This is to spread it throughout the day. If you do this method right then you can easily make $100 a day + more from your WH leads (recommended that you do this). Remember, the referrer will show up as your blog/website because the offer banners/links will be on your site.

I'm no longer doing this because I've moved on to much better methods but for those new to internet marketing...this should definitely get you started off. You don't have to use a game but I found it to be easy and amusing at the same time.

Feel free to post here if you have's pretty self-explanatory though.
发表于 2012-9-25 08:25:42 | 显示全部楼层
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