[其它类] Cool 3rd World Country Method!

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发表于 2012-1-4 21:16:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hey Guys here is an idea that i had and a friend of mine made into an ebook.
GO ahead and take advantage of this, it does work. The screen shot i couldnt post them cos im pretty busy atm. I ll try doing that later on in some free time.

I would first of all like to make one thing clear to you all, when I say 3rd world country method I by no means intend to be racist. I respect you all as citizens of the world and do not believe that one should be treated differently because of the Country, race or religion they belong to.
The reason why this method was called the 3rd World Country method is because it works best in Countries that fall under that category. So it was just a way geo-targeting the people for whom this method would work best.
I did not mean to offend anyone and if you were offended I sincerely apologize.

Many of may have heard the saying, “To be a good businessman you have to be a good middle man”. From my years of experience in business I cannot express how true that statement is. All good businessmen are good middle men. Choose any successful businessman you know and you will see that one thing they all have in common is that they are good middle men.
Bill gates, I am sure you’ve all heard that name sometime in your life, well he was the world’s richest man for 14 years straight. Yep, number 1 for 14 years that’s means a lot. Bill Gates he created an awesome operating system at first, which made him some money but not a lot. Then he founded Microsoft, and became a middle man, he recruited talent from all over the world, made them make operating systems, give them fixed salaries, then sold them to the people and made billions. BEING THE WORLD’S BEST MIDDLE MAN MADE HIM THE WORLD’S BEST BUSINESSMAN, and as a result the world’s richest man.
Now the difference between Bill Gates and most of you is that you don’t have the kind of investment he had and there are a few other factors that are missing. But this book is not meant to teach you how to become the world’s richest man and that I believe that is the biggest mistake most people make, including me.
When I first started my online ventures, I too like most of you, was extremely enthusiastic about becoming rich quickly, and easily. It’s not impossible to become rich quick, but it’s impossible to do it easily.
There is no substitute to hard work, and I can guarantee you that if you work hard enough you can become rich quick.
The method I am going to teach you can make you a lot of money, BUT let me make this absolutely clear that you will have to put in a lot of effort to do so. Once you start you will keep on getting bigger and bigger, that’s something I can guarantee. At first the profit margins wont be much but once you understand the method you will see how it adds up and can make you a lot of money.
Now that I have made it clear that this method works when you put work into it, we can move on to the method itself.

In this section of the book I am going to give you a general over-view of how the method will work, that is because I have noticed from experience that out of curiosity about what the method is we forget to read a lot of valuable information about it. So I am going to give you a general over-view about how this method works, THEN in the next section I will provide you a step by step guide and tips on how exactly to implement the method.
This method is centered on being a middle man as I explained its importance in the introduction.
Now since you all belong to countries where the majority of services are far lower priced than countries in North America and Europe, you have a lucrative communication gap to take advantage of. Now the typical way of doing such a thing would require hefty amounts of investment which I am pretty certain most of you don’t have. The typical way is to start an outsourcing company.
Now I am going to teach you how to start your own outsourcing company without investing anything. Yes you heard right ZERO investment, at the same time I will show you a way in which a small investment almost equivalent to the price of this book will get you a long way.
So what you are going to do is find people online (I will provide the places where) that want some kind of outsourcing done, then what you are going to do is find people in your local area that offer such services for locals. Their prices are usually according to the local standards and therefore are much lower than what you will be getting paid to have the job done. Now I will explain everything step by step and how to negotiate your way through to get a very good deal.
That’s a very general outline of the method, and ahead I will explain a step by step way of making a lot of money out of this.

The Method Part 1
This is the first part of implementing this method, this will involve some research and work on your part.
What you are going to do is get a pen and a pad, go around your local area and find all the people offering services that you believe can be outsourced. This includes things ranging from logo designing to legal services.
For every single company you find offering a service go to them, and be professional. Question them about their service, note everything down, ask them to show some of their previous work and WHATEVER happens never look impressed, regardless of how impressed you may be. You cannot let them feel you are impressed or excited, try maintaining a serious face and don’t look impressed at all. This will help in negotiating and improving the quality of service they offer you. Now make sure you are noting all this down, tell them you are going to get a lot of work done and you are comparing the services being offered by different companies. For example if its logo designing, you tell them, in your local language obviously, “I am looking at all the logo designers in the area to choose the best because I want to get a lot of work done over a period of time”.
That should get them in the competitive mode and put not only the incentive of making a lot of money but also gaining an edge over his competitors. Try asking them if he could give some contact details of his previous clients, that should put some pressure on him and most likely they will not give you those details making an excuse of some kind. That’s what puts in you in a very advantaged position.
Now that you have positioned your self correctly talk about the price, keep reminding them that you will be getting a lot of work done. Once they have reached the point that they will not lower their price any further then record that price on your pad.
Ask them for their contact details, including a mobile number if possible. It is important to have the mobile number because it will come handy once we start the service.
Now the steps outlined above rinse and repeat that for all the services in your local area. Again it’s a lot of work but I am telling you it will pay off. Also make sure you don’t let any of them see the prices that you have noted for all their competitors, since that can significantly affect the price they offer you.
Once you have completed your research you can move on to the next part of the method.

The Method Part 2
In this part what we are going to do is start offering some of the services on some forums. We will then move on to other platforms for offering the service.
Go through your research and choose all the best web related services. Like Graphic Designing, Logo Designing, Website creation and etc.
Now go to digital point forums, and go to the services section in the Buy, Sell and Trade section of the forum. I would’ve provided a step by step guide with screen shots but since you guys bought this book from the forum I am assuming that you know how to work this, If not feel free to PM me.
Now what you are going to do is decide a price based on what your local provider said. With this part of the method there will be a major issue with regards to implementing it for some of you who don’t have Paypal in their countries, I know many of you don’t, but try looking at plimus it’s a very good alternative and you can accept Payments from paypal. But the 3rd of this method doesn’t require you to have a paypal account.
Once you have decided a price in dollars (make sure you check the latest exchange rate so you know how much money you will be getting) then you are going to start a thread about the service. Now go to the provider you selected, take some sort of storage with. Like a flash drive or an empty CD. Get some of previous work and samples and bring them with you.

Post these on your thread as samples of your designer’s previous work.
If your prices are good and the samples are good then you shouldn’t have a problem getting some customers.
For every customer you get, call up your provider, give them the instructions and ask them to do it fast and properly since this is the first you are testing their service. Once you have it ready get the payment from your provider and give them the completed logo.
Ask them to write a review if they are satisfied. Also make sure you keep them happy, if they want changes go to your provider and tell them to make the changes, they should do it without making too big of a problem. Managing everything smoothly is essential and taking a small risk is okay but never take to big of a risk. At first I advise avoid selling to people with little or no Itraders, because they have bigger chances of running away without paying, and reviews from them wont help your business as much as reviews from more reputed members.
This will really tests your services as a middle man and will prove if you really can be a good businessman. It involves taking some risks, but that’s what all real legitimate methods involve.
Now this is a small scale level of the business, which should allow you to gain some confidence and make some money to invest further.
Once you have done this you can move on to the next part of the method.

The Method Part 3
Now what we are going to do is sign up on a very well known freelancing website. People come here to post their jobs and you can make bids on how much you will be ready to do the job for.
The website is Freelancer.com | Online Freelance Jobs | Employment | Design | Outsourcing | Programmers | Web Design | Freelancers
Go to that address and you should see a screen like the one below:

Now pay attention to the button that I circled in red in the screen-shot, push it and it will take you to a sign up page.

The screen you now see will look like this:

Enter a username in the username field; this can be any username you like. I would advise choosing a professional one, one that would look like an established company. For example: Outsourcingkabana
After that you need to enter an email address, you can use your current email address or make a new one just for your business, with the same name as your business. Make sure you check this email at least a few times a day, you will see why later on.
Select the looking for work option, leave the email format to HTML, that shouldn’t be a problem and now I would like to bring your attention to one of the options on the page.

If you scroll down on the page you should see a screen like the one below:

Agree to the Terms and Conditions, I would advise you to read the REMOVAL FROM NETWORK section so that you know what not to do.
Now the option that I have put a red square around in the screen shot is something very important. Now like I said this method has 2 ways to it, one which requires ZERO investment and the other that involves a small amount of investment. Now if you have the $19.95 to invest then I would sincerely advise you to become a Gold member. The reason being if you read the option there are 2 BIG Benefits of doing this:
1.The site charges REDUCED project commissions, normally you have to give the website 5% of the money you get paid from the buyer for the services the platform offers. If you upgrade to Gold you have to give just 3%. That is a 2% increase in profits for you.

2.Now this second benefit is far far more bigger than the first, if you notice “61.18% of projects are won by Gold members” that means if your not a Gold member you are at a disadvantage of winning 60% of the projects on the website.

Therefore if you have the money THEN BECOME A GOLD MEMBER. But if you don’t, then there is nothing to worry about you can always upgrade to a gold membership after you make some money with this method.
Now after you choose your option push the button and it will send you a 10 digit confirmation code.
Get that code from your email inbox and enter it in the confirmation box on the next page.
You should be brought to a page that looks likes the one below:

Now you are brought to a page that requires you to fill in some details regarding your user profile. Enter these details carefully and correctly, specifying your correct address and contact details.
The company name should be professional and its best to keep it the same as the username we decided earlier.
Okay after filling in those fields scroll down and I would like to bring your attention to a particular thing.

This is something that is essential MAKE SURE YOU SELECT the “Notify me by email” option.
Okay moving on here is another important part of the page.

The number of types of Jobs you can have at one time is 25, that is a very large number and you wont need to use them all right now, but hopefully as you expand your business you will reach that amount. Also make sure you note that the number of services you can change in one month is 10. You cannot change more than that, so make sure you make your choices keeping this in mind.
Below this are the jobs!

Now here you will see a MASSIVE number of services that you can offer. SPEND at least an hour reading them!! This is critical your business. Keep a pad near by and note the ones that you didn’t think about before. Many of the services listed are offered by companies in your local area and you can in turn offer them to an international audience and make a large profit.
This is probably the defining part of this method. Spend as much time as possible on this part, this is the big decision maker if you can find people to offer some of the higher end jobs on the sites you can literally make thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands of your currency.
The exchange rate is in your favor, so take advantage of it. Make money in dollars and pay your in employees in your local currency.
This is what you can use for making a list for more research.
Now after you choose the jobs that suit you best, or if you want to go do some research before selecting them then go ahead and do that first.

The final part of creating your account, is what you see in the screenshot below:

In the skills mention the ones your providers have, if you are offering a large range of services then leave this field empty.
In your vision, try writing up something convincing about offering a good service at a low price. That you don’t believe in making a one time profit instead believe in long term profiting by ensuring that your clients are satisfied and continue to return to you for more work.
In the keywords, include all the services and related keywords to your service. I would advise you to include as many as possible since this will only benefit you.
Now in the average hourly rate, write an average value. If all your services are basic then try keeping a low average hourly rate. If your services include some high end services, like legal advice, then keep a relatively higher average rate. This will not affect you very much because you will be paid according to what you bid on various projects.
Once you have completed your profile details, you can sign up!!
After becoming a member choose the payment options that suit you best and get stared on browsing projects. Find the projects that fall under the categories of the services you offer and bid on them based on the prices your provider is charging and the profit margin you would like.
At first I would advise keeping low profit margins because your initial aim isn’t to make a lot of money but instead develop a reputation on the website that will allow you to get higher rates on the same work.
When you bid, make sure you message the project starter that you are new to the site and have bid a low price because you will be offering the service at the bare minimum since you want to build a reputation. Most sellers will like this and will choose you as the project winner.
Remember making sure the work is done within the deadline and having it done right is essential to your business. Honesty is extremely important. Tell your customer the exact time your provider promises you, in fact I would advise adding some extra time incase things go wrong, but if that not an option then stick to the exact time. NEVER SAY LESS TIME just to win the project. That is because if the project is not complete in time you could get some bad rep for that.
Like I have said from the beginning prove that you can be a good middleman and you will become successful.
This method does require a lot of work but it does pay off well and continues to expand as your reputation increases, and you will be able to take up larger projects.
Also I would advise you to take things slowly, one step at a time so you don’t jeopardize your entire business. It will take time but trust me it will pay off.
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